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ABSA Tanzania Supports TWLA with 10 million TZS for Legal Aid Clinics

Absa Bank Tanzania's Head of Marketing and Corporate Affairs, Aron Luhanga, presented a symbolic cheque of TZS 10 million to Tanzania Women Lawyers Association (TAWLA) Chief Executive Director, Ms. Tike Mwambipile, in a ceremony held in Dar es Salaam. The donation is aimed at enhancing the capacity of legal aid clinics in Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Mbeya, Arusha, Tanga, and Dodoma, providing free and high-quality legal aid services to women and children affected by gender-based violence.

During the handover event, Mr. Luhanga emphasized Absa Bank's commitment to supporting communities and safeguarding their well-being. He highlighted the importance of investing in the welfare of individuals and playing an active role in society.

"Gender-based violence victims deserve equal rights and support. Through our contribution, we aim to provide the necessary legal assistance and welfare support for these women and children at the legal aid clinics," stated Mr. Luhanga.

He further emphasized the critical role of legal aid clinics in empowering women to have a voice in their communities and creating a better future for the children affected by gender-based violence.

"Legal aid clinics for these women and children are crucial for us at Absa. Considering the profound impact these children will have on our country's future, it is essential to instill hope in families, empower women, and provide children with a brighter outlook as they strive to achieve their dreams," added Mr. Luhanga.

The donation from Absa Bank Tanzania aligns with the bank's ongoing commitment to social responsibility and community development. It reflects the institution's dedication to contributing to the well-being of society and addressing critical issues such as gender-based violence through strategic partnerships with organizations like TAWLA.


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