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African SMEs Embrace Technology to Drive Growth and Resilience

A recent report titled 'Levelling the SME Playing Field', jointly launched by Vodacom Group, Vodafone Group, and Safaricom, has shed light on the increasing adoption of technology by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) across Africa. The findings indicate that 70 percent of African SMEs have invested in technology over the past 12 months to bolster their growth and resilience in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Vodacom Group Chief Executive Officer, Shameel Joosub, emphasized the transformative impact of technology on SMEs, stating, "Our findings highlight the significant role of technology in helping small businesses tap into new opportunities, access finance, increase productivity, reduce costs and enhance their competitiveness." He further stressed the need to address barriers such as infrastructure, connectivity, and the high cost of technology implementation to fully leverage the benefits of digitalization.

This report, the sixth in a series under the 'Africa. Connected campaign', aims to bridge the digital divide in key economic sectors across Africa through strategic partnerships. It underscores the challenges faced by African SMEs in adopting technology, including the high cost of technology upgrades and renewals, lack of digital skills, and regulatory compliance issues.

Based on conversations with 400 SMEs across eight African countries, including Tanzania, South Africa, Kenya, and Egypt, the report highlights the positive impact of technology on growth, efficiency, competitiveness, and customer service. SMEs have leveraged e-commerce platforms, social media, and digital payment solutions like M-Pesa to expand their reach and streamline operations.

To drive technology adoption among African SMEs, the report emphasizes the importance of sharing best practices and fostering a learning culture. Arjun Dhillon, Vodacom Tanzania Business Director, reiterated the company's commitment to supporting SMEs through digital solutions and tools. By providing guidance, advice, and best practices, Vodacom aims to empower SMEs and unlock their full potential in the digital era.

Through cloud technology, the Internet of Things, and big data advancements, Vodacom endeavors to develop digital solutions that enable SMEs to establish connected supply chains and enhance their digital readiness. The report concludes that by embracing technology and sharing best practices, African SMEs can overcome challenges and thrive in a digital-driven economy.

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