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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Bank of Tanzania Trains Dodoma Leaders and Facilitators on Currency Handling and Investment

The Bank of Tanzania has conducted special training on the proper handling of banknotes and coins, as well as investment in government bonds. The training took place at the Central Bank's Headquarters in Dodoma, involving the Dodoma Regional Reconciliation Council and facilitators from Kisima cha Mafanikio (KCM) Central Zone.

The two-day training session (May 28 and 29, 2024) aimed to enhance the participants' understanding of financial matters. The first day was dedicated to religious leaders from the Reconciliation Council, while the second day was for facilitators.

The National Chairperson and founder of KCM, Mwl. Makena Bryson, expressed gratitude for the invitation and expressed hope that the Bank of Tanzania would continue to collaborate with KCM to convey messages to the public. “KCM is a community of event facilitators, including hosts, chefs, decorators, and photographers. We are well prepared to receive the training and immediately begin implementation,” said Mwl. Makena.

Mwl. Makena added that, based on the training received during KCM's general meeting held in Dodoma in April, KCM has already started providing education at the events they manage, with noticeable success. “We have even composed a song explaining the proper handling of our money. It would be beneficial if it is accepted and used in various places to educate the public on this important issue,” she emphasized.

Mr. Sadi Makomba, the training coordinator from the Bank of Tanzania's Communications Department, informed the participants that the Bank hopes the knowledge they have gained will help them educate their clients and the public on the proper handling of money and the benefits of investing in government bonds.

Participants in the training expressed their satisfaction and pledged to start putting what they learned into practice by educating the community about proper money handling and investment in government bonds for sustainable development.

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