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CPB Forecasts Revenue of Tsh. 26 Billion from Rice Sales in 2023/24 Season

The Cereal and Other Produce Board of Tanzania (CPB) in the Lake Zone forecast revenue of at least Sh26 billion from the sale of rice in the 2023/24 season. To generate this amount from both local and foreign markets, the board aims to purchase and process 20,000 tonnes of rice next season.

CPB exports processed produce to neighboring countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan. Locally, they sell their produce in Kagera, Shinyanga, Mwanza regions, and Rusumo, a town on the border with Rwanda. To tackle hunger in the Lake Zone, the board plans to procure 1,000 tonnes of beans and green beans, providing citizens with various nutrient-rich foods. CPB's marketing officer, Mr. Ally Mango, stated that the board has the capacity to process 96 tonnes of paddy daily. In 2023/24, the target is set at 20,000 tonnes, a significant increase from the previous year's 5,500 tonnes.

According to the Act of its establishment, the board is responsible for facilitating trade promotion and development of cereals and other agricultural products of high quality that sustain profitability in the entire value chain. This ultimately contributes to the growth of the subsector and the improvement of Tanzanians' livelihood.

The CPB acting Lake Zone manager, Mr. Alfred Kalimenze, assured that the board is well-equipped to enhance the production of adequate food crops, addressing any concerns about possible hunger. The 20,000-tonne target would represent a 14,500-tonne increase compared to the previous year.

Rice is a strategic crop in the Lake Zone, and the board packs the processed rice in various weights to cater to customers of all financial capabilities. Mr. Kalimenze emphasized the board's commitment to offering competitive prices to farmers, saying that "no farmer will be exploited." Mr. Kalimenze also recognized President Samia Suluhu Hassan's two-year tenure, stating that the board underwent significant reforms and development. The board received Sh5 billion to purchase crops and invest in the processing industry, resulting in more jobs in the sector's value chain.

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