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Dodoma set to double millet Production

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Dodoma Region is gearing up for an ambitious millet production target in the upcoming 2023/2024 farming season. The region plans to produce a staggering 378,911 tonnes of millet, nearly double the 194,388 tonnes harvested during the previous farming season of 2022/2023. This exciting development was revealed during a stakeholders' meeting, where Aziza Mumba, Assistant Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) responsible for the Business and Economy sectors, expressed the region's preparedness to meet this target.

Addressing the gathering, Mumba highlighted the high demand for millet and urged farmers to seize this opportunity, assuring them of its marketability. The United Nations has designated 2023 as the Year of Millets, recognizing the often-overlooked grain's crucial role in ensuring food security. Millets are known for their climate resilience, being drought-tolerant and capable of thriving in poor soil conditions. Their minimal water requirements make them essential crops, especially in a world grappling with rapid climate change.

Mumba informed attendees that millet buyers in Dodoma included local residents purchasing for domestic consumption, as well as organizations such as the World Food Programme (WFP), Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL), APAC, and Rainbow, among others. Various markets for millets were identified in Kibaigwa, Majengo, Miembeni, Mpwapwa, Mkoka, Kongwa, and Kondoa. The government is collaborating with local and international companies to ensure the availability of high-quality seeds for farmers, with a primary focus on Quality Declared Seeds (QDS).

Quality Declared Seeds (QDS), recognized as a seed class in Tanzania and Zambia, provide an alternative to certified seeds. This classification caters to crops, including millets, and farming systems where advanced seed quality control activities are challenging to implement. During the meeting, Ezekiel Noah, Agriculture and Marketing Officer from the Agricultural Seeds Agency (ASA), shared plans to sell 200 tonnes of millet seeds to farmers during the 2023/14 farming season. He emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government and the private sector to meet the demand for specific seed varieties.

The commitment to agriculture and food security was underscored by the Chamwino District Commissioner, who highlighted the government's substantial efforts in the sector. She disclosed that 3,000 hectares of land had been allocated for millet farming in Msamalo Ward. Additionally, the district plans to drill wells to facilitate irrigation farming, empowering local farmers further.

Dodoma Region's proactive approach, collaboration between stakeholders, and innovative strategies reflect a concerted effort to boost agricultural productivity, ensure food security, and foster economic growth in the region. With the Year of Millets in focus, these initiatives are set to enhance the livelihoods of farmers and contribute significantly to the region's agricultural landscape.

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