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DSE starts the week with gains fueled by Local Companies Shares

The Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) began the week on a positive note, as the share prices of three local companies experienced gains. The DSE all shares index closed at 4,122.60 points on Monday, a rise of 10.17 points compared to the previous week's close. Similarly, the Tanzania Share Index (TSI), which tracks the performance of locally listed companies, increased by 1.33 points to reach 1,874.17 points at the close on Monday.

The top performers at the beginning of the week were DCB Bank, closing at 170/- per share on Monday, up from its opening price of 165/-, and CRDB Bank, with its share price rising to 520/- from 510/-. However, the East African Breweries Limited (EABL) share price experienced a 0.68 percent decline, closing at 2,900/- on Monday compared to 2,920/-.

CRDB Bank was the top mover in the week's opening, with 85,477 shares valued at 44.3 million/- traded in 36 deals at prices between 510/- and 520/- per share. TCCIA Investment followed, with shares trading at 150/- each. DCB Bank came in as the third top mover, with 49,041 shares traded in four deals at a price of 170/- per share, followed by Tanga Cement Company Limited (TCCL), which saw 48,940 shares valued at 48.9 million/- traded in five deals at a price of 1,000/- per share.

On Monday, the DSE reported a total turnover of 151.3 million/-, resulting from 319,585 shares traded in 83 deals. Local shares accounted for 100 percent of both buying and selling activities.

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