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EAMCEF's Annual TZS 600 Million Investment Spurs Sustainable Economic Growth in Tanga Region

In a commendable effort to preserve the ecosystem, the Eastern Arc Mountains Conservation Endowment Fund (EAMCEF) has been annually allocating 600 million Tanzanian Shillings to the Tanga region. These funds are dedicated to fostering environmentally friendly economic activities, including the production of power-saving stoves, fish farming, and beekeeping. The beneficiaries of this initiative are communities residing in proximity to natural mountain ranges such as Amani and Nilo Nature Reserve Forest.

Eng Emigidius Kasunzu, Tanga Regional Deputy Administrative Secretary (Production), highlighted the decade-long commitment of EAMCEF in supporting regional conservation efforts. He emphasized the fund's pivotal role in mitigating climate change effects attributed to human activities in and around the nature forests.

"The fund has been instrumental in boosting the income of citizens, serving as a direct channel to empower the community economically," stated Eng Kasunzu. The initiative aims to provide alternative activities for residents, discouraging encroachment on forests and promoting environmental stewardship.

The project has successfully transformed residents into environmental ambassadors, actively disseminating information to others. Mr. Kasunzu noted the positive response from citizens, resulting in increased monthly incomes and a harmonious coexistence with the environment. Various projects, including tree-planting, power-saving stove production, beekeeping, and fish farming, have demonstrated tangible benefits for communities, reducing deforestation and lifting people out of poverty.

Notably, Shebomeza villagers in Amani Ward have effectively conserved land and water sources, thanks to the support from EAMCEF. Agricultural extension officers, enabled by the fund, regularly visit residents, providing education and overseeing project implementation.

Ms. Zabibu Rajabu, a farmer and project beneficiary, highlighted the positive impact on agricultural practices. Farmers now adhere to scientific guidelines, resulting in reduced soil erosion and increased cultivation of crops such as maize, sugarcane, avocado, and pineapple.

Muheza District Agricultural Officer, Mr. Sylvester Mziray, affirmed that since the project's inception in 2016, at least 120 growers in three villages have experienced economic benefits. EAMCEF continues to serve as a reliable funding mechanism, supporting community development, biodiversity conservation, and applied research projects in the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania.

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