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EU allocates €2.0 Million Investment into African Digital Innovation Hubs

In a move marking a significant step towards fostering digital innovation in Africa, the European Union (EU) has allocated €2.0 million to support the AfriConEU programme. This initiative aims to bolster the capabilities of existing Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) across Africa, bridging the digital gap between the continent and the wider world.

These funds, dispensed over three years, will facilitate research and innovation while paving the way for the creation of the first trans-continental networking academy. The project is designed to enhance collaboration between European and African digital innovation hubs, focusing on skill development, knowledge exchange, and the nurturing of innovative ideas through ideation techniques like brainstorming and world café.

The AfriConEU project is not just an investment in infrastructure but a move towards empowering African youth with the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly digitalised world. The initiative will allow African DIHs to better serve local industries, stimulate their start-up ecosystems, and cater to the skill demands of the digital age.

Jose Gonzalez, EU Delegation Programme Manager, elaborated on the project's goals during a Buni Innovation Hub and AfriConEU three-day boot camp workshop. He emphasized the aspiration of creating a common EU-Africa innovation and start-up ecosystem by linking the first trans-continental networking academy for African and European DIHs.

Furthermore, the AfriConEU project is envisaged as a catalyst to strengthen and reinforce digital innovation ecosystems in Africa. It will do so by enhancing the capacities of existing DIHs and supporting them through capacity-building and networking initiatives.

The role of African DIHs as drivers of digital entrepreneurship development is central. By equipping these hubs with tools to address challenges they face, they can effectively propel digital innovation forward. As part of this initiative, DIHs from Tanzania, Uganda, Ghana, and Nigeria will be linked with their European counterparts to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience.

The AfriConEU project also anticipates developing partnerships to boost the digital economy, empower youth, and foster innovation and growth. An innovative mechanism, the AfriConEU Networking Academy, is set to be established for the purpose of connecting and sharing best practices and experiences. This mechanism is geared to enable resource sharing between African and EU DIHs in a comprehensive, replicable, and self-sustaining way.

AfriConEU Dissemination Manager, Ms. Marilena Maragkou, added that the DIHs will gain valuable insights on European investment and its potential benefits for African start-ups. She stated that the first flagship programme of the AfriConEU Networking Academy will be dedicated to capacity building, reinforcing the role of African DIHs as intermediaries between the demand and supply of digital services and technologies, and supporting digital entrepreneurs.

Dr. Amos Nungu, Director General of the Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), noted that the AfriConEU boot camp aims to develop a curriculum focused on teaching youth about digital creativity.

This international collaboration involves European nations such as Greece, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Italy, as well as African countries like Tanzania, Ghana, Uganda, and Nigeria. With this investment, AfriConEU is poised to be the first trans-continental networking academy for African and European DIHs, heralding a new era of digital cooperation and innovation between the two continents.

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