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Foreign Exchange Reserves in Tanzania Drop by $600 Million, but Government Remains Optimistic

Tanzania's foreign exchange reserves have experienced a significant decline of $600 million (equivalent to approximately Sh1.4 trillion) over the past year. However, the government assures the public that there is no cause for concern and expresses confidence in a promising future. According to the latest statement from the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), the foreign exchange reserves stood at $4.9 billion (about Tsh11.7 trillion) at the end of April 2023. This represents a decrease of nearly 11 percent from the previous year's figure of $5.5 billion (about Tsh13.1 trillion) recorded in April 2022. Despite the decline, the MPC, led by the Governor of the Bank of Tanzania (BoT), assures the nation that the current level of reserves is sufficient to cover 4.4 months of imports. This falls within the country's benchmark of maintaining reserves for at least four months. Mr. Benny Mwaipaja, the spokesperson for the Ministry of Finance and Planning, emphasized that Tanzania fares better than many of its regional counterparts in terms of foreign exchange reserves. He attributed this positive trend to favorable monetary and economic policies, a conducive business environment, and effective economic diplomacy. The global surge in demand for foreign exchange, driven by higher global prices of fuel, food, cooking oil, and steel, has affected importers' need for more dollars. In Tanzania, fuel prices have been on the rise since 2022, reaching record highs in April of the same year. In Dar es Salaam, the price of a liter of petrol stood at Sh2,861, while a liter of diesel was quoted at Sh2,692. Tanzania has been spending much of its foreign exchange reserves to buy fuel and wheat since the Russia-Ukraine war has made these products more expensive." However, he remains optimistic about the future, citing strategies in place to boost the transportation and agriculture sectors. As Tanzania navigates the challenges posed by declining foreign exchange reserves, experts and officials are optimistic that strategic measures and a focus on enhancing domestic production and exports will contribute to a more robust economic future for the country.

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