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President Nyusi Thanks Tanzania and SADC for Restoring Peace in Northern Mozambique

President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique has expressed profound gratitude to Tanzania and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for their pivotal role in restoring peace in Northern Mozambique. Speaking during his three-day state visit to Tanzania, President Nyusi acknowledged the significant contributions made by the SADC Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), which includes Tanzanian troops, in combating terrorism and stabilizing the region.

“In 2021, the situation in Mozambique was very dire due to terrorism, but we have seen positive results. Villages are starting to see people returning,” President Nyusi stated. He emphasized the challenges of fighting a mobile enemy and the vital role of SAMIM forces in ensuring peace. “This war is tough because terrorists are mobile, so we are very grateful to the SAMIM forces for ensuring peace is restored in Mozambique,” he added.

Highlighting the importance of regional collaboration, President Nyusi stressed that African problems should be addressed by Africans. “The way SADC has decided to work; African problems should be solved by Africans themselves. Therefore, Africans should be the ones to bring solutions,” he said. He further expressed Mozambique's enduring appreciation for Tanzania’s contributions, noting that “The people of Mozambique will never forget Tanzania’s contribution.”

During discussions with Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan, both leaders agreed to investigate the decline in trade volume between their countries, which fell from 57.8 million USD to 20.1 million USD last year, attributing the decrease to security issues or unrecorded transactions.

The presidents also discussed enhancing bilateral investment, with President Samia highlighting that two Mozambican investors have created 650 jobs in Tanzania, and 16 Tanzanian investors have ventured into Mozambique. They also deliberated on the significance of the Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF), where President Nyusi will officiate the opening ceremony.

Moreover, the leaders agreed to boost cooperation, particularly in transportation and logistics, to better connect their countries with other African nations. President Nyusi mentioned plans to enhance transportation links between Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, which President Samia supported as a means to promote African unity.

In the energy sector, both presidents pledged to collaborate under the Southern Africa Power Pool to serve the region’s energy needs. Health sector cooperation was also on the agenda. President Samia highlighted the historical ties between Tanzania and Mozambique, established before their independence struggles, solidified by founders Edward Mondlane and Julius Nyerere.

Diplomatic relations began in 1977 with the formation of the Joint Permanent Commission, addressing trade, investment, transportation, immigration, and agriculture. President Samia also noted the cooperation between their political parties, FRELIMO and Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), including a leadership school in Kibaha.

President Nyusi expressed his gratitude for the invitation to visit Tanzania, emphasizing the importance of strengthening business and investment cooperation. “We are here to gain experience and recognize Tanzania’s significant contribution to our independence,” he said. He underscored the need for improved infrastructure, such as the Umoja Bridge and potential road projects, to connect Africa and honor the vision of their founding fathers.

In addition, cooperation in solar energy projects was highlighted, with both leaders looking forward to enhanced collaboration in this sector.


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