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IITA Harnesses AI to Combat Cassava Pests and Diseases Benefiting 2,000 Farmers

The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has harnessed the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) through its 'NuruAI' platform to detect and manage cassava pests and diseases, offering invaluable advice to farmers on effective control measures.

To date, this innovative AI technology has already made a meaningful impact by benefiting approximately 2,000 farmers across the country. NuruAI excels in detecting and identifying various viral diseases affecting cassava leaves, providing treatment solutions and education on disease recognition and control.

This remarkable AI system can pinpoint prevalent cassava diseases such as cassava mosaic, cassava brown streak, as well as damage inflicted by red and green mites. Furthermore, it offers guidance on how to manage these issues effectively.

IITA Researcher, Ms. Neema Mbilinyi, explained that farmers and Extension Officers are accessing NuruAI through mobile phone technology developed in collaboration with Pennsylvania State University in the United States and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

"Nuru employs AI to diagnose viruses and pests that target cassava through its leaves," stated Ms. Mbilinyi during the African Food System exhibition organized by IITA.

She continued, "Once the technology detects diseases, it provides advice on how to control the identified disease(s)."

In addition to disease diagnosis and control advice, NuruAI also guides farmers to sources of high-quality, certified seeds provided by The Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute (TOSCI). The platform also offers comprehensive information about cassava in Swahili, English, and French, along with guidance on disease management.

The name 'Nuru,' which means 'light' in Swahili, reflects its role in enlightening farmers. It empowers them to accurately diagnose major crop pests and diseases using their smartphones, capturing images of diseased leaves.

"Nuru can operate offline, a vital feature in areas with limited internet connectivity," Ms. Mbilinyi highlighted. For optimal results, the software performs best during the early morning or evening to avoid intense sunlight, and users are encouraged to maintain stability when scanning leaves for more accurate diagnosis.

Gosbert Ndyamkama, a cassava farmer and seeds producer, attested to the positive impact of Nuru technology on crop productivity. He credited Nuru for enhancing productivity by tracking disease trends and offering early-stage intervention strategies.

Artificial Intelligence, known as AI, represents the intelligence exhibited by machines or software, distinct from human or animal intelligence.

The IITA team has diligently collaborated with extension officers and farmers to validate and popularize this groundbreaking technology. They conducted training sessions for researchers, extension officers, seed inspection officers, and farmers in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. The results have shown that the NuruAI app significantly outperforms trained extension officers in diagnosing cassava diseases, marking a significant step forward in agricultural innovation.

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