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Investment Meeting in Kigoma Focuses on Modernizing Agriculture

Ms. Phina Lyimo, the Manager of the Tanzania Investment Centre's Lake Zone Office, led a significant meeting in Kigoma with investors from Granex Bulgaria and key stakeholders including representatives from the Office of the Regional Commissioner of Kigoma, TANESCO, TFS, Lake Tanganyika Water Board, TARURA, and KUWASA.

The meeting, held at the Office of the Regional Commissioner, centered on discussions regarding a major agricultural investment initiative at Basanza and Lugufu Farms located in Uvinza, Kigoma.

Granex's representatives, Mr. Eliya Kwigeza and Mr. Zahoro Muhaji outlined the ambitious goal of the project, which aims to revolutionize Tanzania's agricultural sector. The focus will be on commercial farming activities across 13,500 acres, dedicated to cultivating maize, soybeans, and sunflowers for both domestic markets and neighboring Great Lakes countries like the DRC, Rwanda, and Burundi.

The project encompasses various aspects of the agricultural value chain, including grain collection, processing, storage, transportation, and trade, all geared toward stimulating economic growth and prosperity in the region.

Furthermore, the initiative seeks to empower local communities through out grower schemes, providing small-scale farmers with access to essential resources such as machinery services, farming expertise, inputs, financing, and post-harvest solutions.

This investment endeavor aims not only to boost rural development but also to promote sustainable farming practices by transitioning from conventional methods to year-round drip irrigation technology.

The meeting underscores the commitment of all stakeholders involved to drive positive change in Tanzania's agriculture sector, promoting economic development and ensuring a sustainable future for rural communities. The project represents a significant step towards modernizing agriculture and enhancing food security in the region.

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