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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

JKCI Offers Half-Price Medical Check-ups in Commemoration of 62 Years of Independence

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - In celebration of 62 years of independence, the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI) has initiated a special offer, providing half-price medical check-ups for the public. The reduced-cost check-up encompasses comprehensive services, including blood tests, heart screening, and consultations conducted by experienced cardiologists and nutritionists.

The medical check-ups commenced yesterday and will be available every Sunday at the institute's premises. The services will be accessible from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., as outlined in a statement released over the weekend by the JKCI Cardiology Department Director, Tatizo Waane.

Waane emphasized the importance of regular health check-ups, urging the public to take advantage of this opportunity to assess their health status. "Members of the public need to undergo regular heart check-ups to help them detect any complications and receive early treatment," he stated.

The initiative to offer services at half the regular price aims to make healthcare more affordable, particularly for low-income individuals. Waane encouraged those who have not yet undergone check-ups to consider doing so the following Sunday.

Furthermore, he highlighted the potential for the reduced-cost service to contribute to medical tourism, making the institute a viable option for individuals from neighboring countries seeking specialized cardiac care.

In addition to this initiative, the institute recently announced plans to establish a call center to serve patients within and outside the country, focusing on individuals with heart diseases and other medical emergencies.

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