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Kamala Harris Announces a Groundbreaking Critical Mineral Processing Hub in Tanzania

· Tanzania to become a continental hub for mineral processing

· Minerals processed to go into batteries for electric vehicles

· Delivering battery-grade nickel to US and global markets by 2026

US Vice President Kamala Harris recently embarked on a historic visit to Tanzania, where she announced a state-of-the-art mineral processing facility aimed at bolstering the country's economic growth and fostering stronger ties between the United States and Tanzania. This momentous occasion signified a new chapter in the partnership between the two nations, highlighting their shared commitment to sustainable development and economic prosperity.

A Warm Welcome in Tanzania

Upon her arrival, Vice President Harris received a warm welcome from her hostess Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan and other top government officials. The two leaders engaged in bilateral talks, discussing various topics ranging from trade and investment to regional security and climate change. Both nations acknowledged the importance of mutual cooperation in addressing global challenges and fostering sustainable growth. Since taking office in March 2021, H.E President Samia Suluhu Hassan has been working towards improving economic diplomacy. President Samia announced that Tanzania welcomes the readiness of the government of the United States to review the existing Visa status to enable citizens from both nations to benefit from long-term visas which will boost trade, tourism and investment.

Announcement of the Mineral Processing Facility

One of the mega announcements by Vice President Harris was the announcement of a cutting-edge mineral processing facility, a partnership between Tanzanian and American companies, it will be the first of its kind multi metals processing facility on the continent, and the new facility will use innovative, low-emission technology to process nickel and other critical minerals mined in Tanzania, targeting the delivery of battery-grade nickel to the U.S. and the global market as soon as 2026. Battery-grade nickel is used specifically in the production of rechargeable batteries. As the demand for rechargeable batteries continues to grow particularly in the electric vehicle market, the demand for battery-grade nickel is also increasing.

The partnership will also work to identify additional opportunities across the region for critical mineral inputs to the new facility. These efforts are aimed at building and expanding resilient, transparent supply chains for clean energy technology that are based on extensive local engagement, respect for the environment and conservation, and safe, high-integrity labour practices.

‘’Raw minerals will be processed in Tanzania by Tanzanians. It will help address the climate crisis, build global supply chains and create new industries and jobs’’ said Vice President Harris during a joint press conference with President Samia in Dar es salaam, Tanzania.

Kamala Harris' historic visit to Tanzania and the announcement of a critical mineral processing facility mark a significant milestone in the relationship between the two nations. The facility is expected to contribute to Tanzania's economic growth and sustainable development while simultaneously reinforcing the strategic partnership between the United States and Tanzania. Through continued collaboration, both countries can look forward to a future of shared prosperity and progress.

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