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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism Projects TZS 968.8 billion Revenue for Next Financial Year

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism aims to generate TZS 968.8 billion in revenue from its institutions in the upcoming financial year, Parliament was informed on Friday.

This target was disclosed by Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Angellah Kairuki while presenting the 2024/2025 budget estimates for her ministry. She requested parliamentary approval for TZS 348.13 billion in both recurrent and development expenditures, outlining eight key priority areas for the year.

Kairuki highlighted efforts to promote Tanzania’s tourist destinations through a special program linked to the Royal Tour and Amazing Tanzania documentaries. Strategies include advertising during major football championships, partnering with airline companies, participating in international festivals, and leveraging international media and social platforms.

Other priorities include developing strategic tourism products such as historical sites, beach tourism, conference and events tourism, and sports, health, and cultural tourism. The ministry also plans to enhance security for wildlife, forests, bees, and historical sites, and implement conservation plans to boost forest and bee product value.

Public education and awareness campaigns on conservation and sustainable use of resources will be intensified. The ministry aims to improve statistical systems, conduct strategic research, and enhance revenue collection systems to increase foreign currency earnings.

To address wildlife-related challenges, the ministry has allocated TZS 45.1 billion for the next fiscal year. This includes plans to purchase two helicopters for the Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Authority (NCAA).

In a positive development, the ministry will employ 850 new conservation officers, with 454 joining TANAPA, 345 joining the Tanzania Wildlife Authority (TAWA), and 51 joining NCAA.

Additionally, 10 new conservation centers will be established across various districts.

Technological advancements in wildlife management will include the purchase of 16 drones and 100 GPS satellite collars to monitor wildlife. TANAPA anticipates receiving 1,950,000 tourists next year, a 6.5% increase, and will enhance revenue collection with 30 smart gates in eight national parks.

However, MPs expressed dissatisfaction with the ministry’s budget increase of TZS 19 billion , citing concerns about the allocation ratio. The Parliamentary Committee on Lands, Natural Resources, and Tourism, chaired by Timotheo Mnzava, criticized the allocation, arguing that it failed to address issues such as office rentals, accumulated debts, poor infrastructure, and wildlife threats to local communities.

Special Seats lawmaker Ms. Ester Bulaya from CHADEMA also voiced concerns, suggesting the budget increase be reconsidered to better address essential social services like roads and access to clean water.

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