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Mwanza attracts Cuba Companies to Potential Investment Opportunities

Mwanza regional authorities have extended an invitation to Cuban companies to explore and invest in various production sectors in Tanzania, fostering mutual benefits for both nations. This initiative underscores the government's commitment to strengthening and broadening the relations between Tanzania and Cuba.

During a two-day official visit by the Cuban Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr. Yordenis Vera, Mwanza Regional Commissioner Amos Makalla articulated these intentions. He emphasized the region's abundance of raw materials, offering ample investment opportunities to enhance various economic sectors, including agriculture, livestock, and fisheries.

"Mwanza region boasts significant potential for investment across various sectors, including the establishment of industries for the production of animal and fish feeds, fish cages, and fertilizers," noted Mr. Makalla.

He highlighted Mwanza's strategic position as a business gateway to neighboring countries such as Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The region's proximity and connectivity make it an attractive investment destination for Cuban companies seeking to expand their operations in East Africa.

The longstanding bilateral relations between Tanzania and Cuba, dating back to 1962, have continued to flourish over the years. Mr. Makalla underscored the historical ties between the two nations, rooted in mutual respect and cooperation.

"The close personal relationship between the late Mwl Julius Nyerere and the late Commandant Fidel Castro Ruz laid a firm foundation of friendship and brotherhood, which has been maintained by subsequent national leaders of both countries," stated Mr. Makalla.

In addition to diplomatic ties, Tanzania and Cuba have collaborated extensively in the medical sector. A Memorandum of Understanding signed in 1990 paved the way for Cuban medical personnel, including doctors, experts, and nurses, to provide services in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar.

Ambassador Vera reaffirmed Cuba's commitment to enhancing cooperation with Tanzania across various sectors, including education, health, agriculture, and fisheries. He expressed his government's readiness to share expertise and support Tanzania's development agenda, akin to the collaboration witnessed in the healthcare sector.

The ambassador extended an invitation to Mwanza regional administration and residents to visit Tanzania Biotech Products Limited, a venture supported by the Cuban government. This visit aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and promote advancements in agriculture, particularly in the production of food and cash crop pesticides.

As Tanzania and Cuba forge ahead in their partnership, both nations remain poised to leverage mutual strengths and resources for the socio-economic advancement of their people.

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