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NMB Bank Foundation Allocates TZS 1.0 Billion for "Nuru Yangu" Scholarship and Mentorship Programme

The NMB Bank Foundation has earmarked TZS 1.0 billion for the NMB Nuru Yangu Scholarship and Mentorship Programme for the fiscal year 2023/24. This initiative is designed to benefit 130 students and aligns with the foundation's commitment to facilitating access to higher education for bright yet underprivileged students.

Ruth Zaipuna, the Chief Executive Officer of NMB Bank and Chairperson of the Foundation, reiterated their dedication to supporting sustainable development projects throughout the country. During the launch of the programme's second phase, she announced the opening of the application window for the Nuru Yangu Scholarship and Mentorship Programme for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Last year, the scholarship programme successfully enrolled 65 candidates, and it aims to admit another 65 students this year.

Zaipuna emphasized that the NMB Foundation will continue collaborating with potential development partners nationwide, including the government, to support Corporate Social Investments (CSIs) in key priority areas such as education, health, entrepreneurship, and the environment, among others.

Nelson Karumuna, the General Manager of the NMB Foundation, outlined that the second phase of the scholarship and mentorship programme is intended for students interested in fields such as accounts and statistics, economics, engineering, information and communication technology (ICT), oil and gas, and medical studies.

"As a Foundation, we will cover all associated costs for the selected candidates, including tuition fees, scholastic materials, transportation, and health insurance, and provide them with a laptop computer. We will also secure practical training and mentorship opportunities to help these students realize their full potential," Karumuna explained.

The first beneficiaries of the programme are currently pursuing higher education at various universities, including the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Ardhi University, University of Dodoma (UDOM), and Mzumbe University, among others.

The NMB Nuru Yangu Scholarship and Mentorship Programme exemplifies the NMB Bank Foundation's commitment to fostering education and empowering Tanzanian youth to achieve their academic and professional aspirations.

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