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Northern circuit: The most famous safari destination in Tanzania

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

With a land of superlative greatest wildlife spectacle in the continent, the nation’s Northern tourism circuit is the most famous safari destination in Tanzania and Africa in particular.

The Northern Circuit has registered a tremendous record in registering tourists arrivals since July this year after the nation’s decision to reopen its skies. “Three national parks from the northern circuit including the Serengeti, Manyara and Kilimanjaro had the most tourist distribution since the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines landed at the Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) earlier in August this year, with more than 177 tourists who are here to enjoy Tanzania’s tourist attractions,” says Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) Assistant Conservation Commissioner in charge of the business development portfolio Beatrice Kessy. Kessy underscored that the northern tourism circuit-based parks Serengeti, Manyara and Kilimanjaro have attracted 7,811, 1,987 and 1,676 tourists, respectively.

The TANAPA Assistant Conservation Commissioner pointed out that Tanzania has received more than 30,000 visitors since July, this year. She further said that a total of over 8,000 tourists landed in Tanzania during the first week of August this year, an indication that the 2bn US dollars sector was slowly but surely bouncing back in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Location to Tanzania’s Northern Circuit Just an hour's drive from Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA) the country’s second biggest airport you will be in the heart of Tanzania’s northern highlands. Another way to visit the northern circuit is also flying into Arusha International Airport or arriving via bus from Dar es Salaam’s business capital. Arusha is home to Mount Meru which is often trekked in preparation for the more challenging climb to Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak. You can also climb Ol Doinyo Lengai, East Africa’s only active volcano, situated south of Lake Natron where it’s possible to camp to enjoy amazing views of the Great Rift Valley. Arusha, is not only a place to enjoy about Maasai lifestyle, but also is the gateway to some of the most famous safari destinations in the world. Just ahead 120km from the town and you can arrive at Lake Manyara National Park.

The moderately small park contains both thick bushland and forest boasting some 350 species of birds and mammals. Southeast of Manyara you will find the 4000 sq km of terrain comprising the Tarangire National Park and adjoining Conservation Area. Tarangire is famed for its elephant herds, ancient baobab trees and tree-climbing lions. The area also seems an annual migration of elephants, wildebeest, zebra and fringe-eared Oryx. Ngorongoro, a UN World Heritage Site, is a multiuse conservation area covering 8,200 sq km and is also located in the Northern circuit. In Ngorongoro, you can find Maasai communities living side-by-side with games. It is known as the ‘Cradle of Mankind’ because of the ancient hominid finds from Oldupai Gorge that offer clues to the origins of mankind. Descend into one of the world’s largest volcanic craters to see some 30,000 large mammals. Here you find grassland, forests and swamps.

Striking flocks of flamingos feed around Lake Magadi while the rare black rhino may be found in the surrounding grassland. Within the conservation area, there are a number of luxury lodges. Campsites, hotels and lodges at different price ranges are found nearby in the Karatu area. Serengeti National Park Serengeti, the ‘land of endless plains’ has a national park covering 14,760 sq km and is also located in the northern circuit. The area is famed for the annual wildlife migration that occurs between December and July.

You can access the park by road or fly to the several airstrips in the vicinity. If your budget permits, take a dawn balloon ride to really appreciate the vastness of this stunning natural wonder of the park that is also surrounded by wildlife and striking scenery.

Northern Highlands The Northern highlands are home to Mount Kilimanjaro which can be ascended by various routes providing you are properly prepared for the gruelling trek. These highlands are also home to Tanzania’s newest national park. Mkomazi, which covers 3,300 sq km, has witnessed a series of amazing conservation efforts. These include the reintroduction of the critically endangered black rhino and African wild dog.


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