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President Allocates 16.2 Billion Tanzanian Shillings for Road Project Compensation Funds

Simiyu Region-In a significant move to enhance the country's infrastructure, President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan has earmarked a total of 16.2 billion Tanzanian shillings as a compensation fund for citizens relinquishing their lands for road construction projects nationwide. The announcement was made by the Minister of Work, Mr. Innocent Bashungwa, during his inspection visit to the Maswa Bypass Road in Simiyu Region on Monday. The road, stretching 11.3 kilometers at tarmac level, is now nearing completion at an impressive 99 percent.

Minister Bashungwa expressed the President's commitment to improving the country's road network and highlighted the disbursement of over 16 billion Tanzanian shillings for compensating citizens. The President's decision underscores a dedication to enhancing infrastructure and easing traffic congestion, with a particular focus on decongesting Maswa Town through the construction of the Maswa Bypass Road.

Furthermore, Minister Bashungwa revealed that the government has already allocated funds to initiate feasibility studies for key road projects. These include the 76-kilometer Bariadi-Salama-Mhayo-Magu Road, the 104-kilometer Bariadi-Itilima-Mwandoya-Morroco Road, and the 48-kilometer Nyashimo-Ngasamo-Ndutwa Road. Notably, all these roads will be constructed at the tarmac level, ensuring high-quality infrastructure.

Eng John Mkumbo, the Simiyu Regional Manager of Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADs), provided additional details about the Maswa Bypass Road project. The contract, worth 13.4 billion Tanzanian shillings, was signed between TANROADs and the China Henan International Cooperation Group (CHICO) on June 1, 2021. The construction work, currently in its final stages, encompasses various aspects, including the installation of road traffic signs and other essential supporting infrastructures.

President Samia Suluhu Hassan's strategic allocation of funds for road project compensations aligns with the government's broader vision for a robust and efficient transportation network. These initiatives not only signify a substantial investment in infrastructure but also underscore the government's commitment to improving citizens' lives and fostering economic growth across Tanzania.

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