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President Samia Suluhu Hassan Launches National Clean Cooking Energy Strategy

In a significant move towards sustainable development, President Samia Suluhu Hassan has unveiled the National Clean Cooking Energy Strategy in Dar es Salaam Yesterday. Emphasizing the importance of private sector involvement, she called for substantial investment, including in technology, to ensure widespread access to clean cooking energy for all citizens.

The President outlined the ambitious goal of the strategy, aiming to have 80 percent of the population using clean cooking energy by 2034, thereby reducing reliance on traditional fuels like firewood and charcoal. Beyond cost reduction, President Samia highlighted the strategy's role in bolstering Tanzania's resilience against the adverse effects of climate change.

The launch ceremony, held at the Julius Nyerere International Conference Centre (JNICC), saw President Samia Suluhu Hassan presenting the clean cooking strategy document to Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa, symbolizing the government's commitment to this transformative initiative.

This announcement comes on the heels of President Samia's advocacy for clean cooking energy on the global stage. At the African Women Clean Cooking Support Programme (AWCCSP) global campaign launch during the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai in November 2023, President Samia rallied African leaders and stakeholders to accelerate the adoption of clean cooking solutions.

The initiative aims to provide clean cooking technologies to women and girls across Africa, aiming to mitigate the health risks associated with indoor pollution caused by traditional biomass fuels. With nearly 80 percent of Africa's population relying on wood and charcoal for cooking, the initiative seeks to transition millions to more affordable and environmentally friendly alternatives.

President Samia's leadership in championing clean cooking energy reflects Tanzania's commitment to sustainable development and underscores her dedication to improving the lives of citizens while addressing pressing environmental challenges.

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