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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Regional Commissioner Aboubakar Kunenge Distributes 345 Tablets to Boost Agricultural Productivity

In a move aimed at bolstering agricultural development and improving the livelihoods of farmers, COAST Regional Commissioner Aboubakar Kunenge handed over 345 tablets to district agriculture officers in the region over the weekend. The distribution ceremony took place in Kibaha Town, where Kunenge emphasized the importance of utilizing these gadgets to enhance productivity and strengthen the food value chain.

One of the primary objectives of this initiative is to register farmers who are not yet included in the farmers' information system, providing the government with an accurate count for administrative purposes and service provision. The tablets will serve as vital tools for agriculture officers to compile data on agricultural activities, facilitating efficient information sharing and addressing any challenges that may arise.

RC Kunenge emphasized the significance of modern equipment for agriculture officers, enabling them to collect and disseminate crucial information related to improved seeds, climate change, and the proper use of fertilizers. He commended the government's commitment to supporting the agriculture sector, citing previous provisions such as 129 motorcycles and soil testing equipment.

"This is another step that the government has taken to ensure that the agriculture sector contributes significantly to our economy. We have received 129 motorcycles, soil testing equipment, and now these tablets. All of this demonstrates President Samia Suluhu Hassan's dedication to ensuring our farmers benefit from their hard work," RC Kunenge stated.

Highlighting the region's achievements in the agricultural sector, Kunenge noted a remarkable increase in the quality rate of first-class cashew nuts from 12% to an impressive 96.6%. Additionally, the region has excelled in the production of sesame and various commercial crops, including sisal, maize, rice, sugarcane, peas, date palms, and cassava. Several investors have also expressed interest in establishing farms for these crops, contributing to economic growth.

Acting Regional Administrative Officer Shangwe Twamala expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Agriculture for providing the equipment, predicting that it would streamline agricultural activities and enhance productivity.

Kibaha Town Agriculture Officer Joseph Njau welcomed the tablets, emphasizing that they would simplify the tasks of agriculture officers and empower farmers to increase their production. With these tablets in hand, the agriculture officers are well-equipped to drive positive change and elevate the agricultural sector in the Coast Region.

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