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SGR from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma Set to Launch on July 25, 2024

The Minister of Transport, Prof. Makame Mbarawa, announced that the high-speed train known as the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) service between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma is slated to commence on July 25, 2024. This new launch date comes despite an initial deadline of July 1 set by the President.

Following an inspection of the SGR infrastructure from Dar es Salaam, Prof. Mbarawa expressed satisfaction with the progress, confirming that the train service will begin as scheduled. "I have inspected the infrastructure of bridges and crossings along with the train itself. The work is progressing well, and on July 25, 2024, we expect to begin the journey from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma," he stated.

The Minister highlighted that the train fare will be affordable for all Tanzanians, offering travel options from first class to third class to accommodate various budgets.

To ensure a seamless start, Prof. Mbarawa mentioned that a trial run will commence in June from Dar es Salaam to Morogoro. The ticketing systems will be ready by then, and he encouraged Tanzanians to begin utilizing the new train service.

The introduction of the high-speed train service is crucial for enhancing trade and economic activities between Dar es Salaam, the commercial hub, and Dodoma, the administrative capital. This improved connectivity will facilitate faster movement of goods and people, reduce transportation costs, and stimulate economic growth in the regions. Businesses will benefit from more efficient supply chains, and new opportunities will emerge for local enterprises, thereby boosting the overall economy.

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