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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Tanzania and Guinea-Bissau Strengthen Bilateral Ties and Economic Cooperation

In a landmark move to enhance bilateral relations and boost economic cooperation, Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan and her Guinea-Bissau counterpart, President Umaro Sissoco Embaló, have committed to deepening ties between their nations. The agreement was made during President Embaló's two-day working visit to Tanzania, marking the first official visit by a Guinea-Bissau President to the East African nation.

At the State House in Dar es Salaam, the two leaders held extensive discussions that culminated in the signing of a Cooperation Framework Agreement. This agreement aims to foster future engagements in key sectors such as economy, investment, and trade. President Samia highlighted the historical significance of this visit, emphasizing its role in reinforcing the longstanding friendship between the two countries.

"Both Tanzania and Guinea-Bissau are renowned for their high-quality cashew nuts. We have agreed to embark on joint efforts focusing on research and value addition to our cashew products," President Samia announced during a press briefing. She also underscored the potential for collaboration in the blue economy, including fishing, beach tourism, and transportation.

The discussions extended beyond economic matters to include strategic regional and international issues. Both leaders reiterated their commitment to promoting peace and security across Africa and supporting initiatives like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), which aims to enhance intra-African trade and economic integration.

During his visit, President Embaló engaged with Tanzania’s Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) and toured the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) to explore infrastructure linkages that could facilitate trade between the two nations. The leaders also identified health, education, defence, and security as sectors of mutual interest, agreeing to deepen cooperation to address common challenges and promote regional stability.

"Our discussions have also focused on leveraging our extensive coastlines to enhance our blue economy," President Samia added.

President Embaló, who chairs the Secretariat of the African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in combating diseases and advancing health initiatives across the continent.

Reflecting on the historical ties between the two nations, President Samia paid tribute to Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere of Tanzania and Amílcar Cabral of Guinea-Bissau, both champions of a unified and independent Africa. "Their steadfast opposition to colonialism and Tanzania's role in the liberation movements have united our countries in a shared vision of independence and mutual prosperity," she said.

President Embaló expressed his gratitude, acknowledging Tanzania's pivotal role in Guinea-Bissau's path to independence. "We feel at home in Tanzania, the first pan-Africanist country. We will never forget Mwalimu Nyerere's significant support," he stated.

Looking forward, President Embaló expressed optimism about the newly signed agreements and emphasized the need to intensify efforts to strengthen their bilateral bonds. "With this agreement, we must work to strengthen our ties for the benefit of both nations," he added.

This historic visit and the agreements reached mark a new chapter in Tanzania-Guinea-Bissau relations, promising enhanced cooperation and shared growth in the years to come.


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