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Tanzania and Iran enter into Agreement

Tanzania and the Islamic Republic of Iran have signed an agreement for Double Taxation Avoidance after in-depth discussions between the two countries. The agreement was signed in Dar es Salaam by William Mhoja, Commissioner of the Policy Analysis and Research Department at the Ministry of Finance for Tanzania, and Dr. Hossein Abdollah, Director of Tax Law and Contracts for Iran.

Speaking after the signing of the agreement, Mr. Mhoja stated that the agreement pertains to the principles of income tax in activities conducted by individuals, companies, and institutions of either country in the respective nations. "The agreement establishes the basis for cooperation in tax administration between the tax authorities of these two countries through the exchange of tax information and collaboration on tax matters," explained Mr. Mhoja.

He noted that the signing of the agreement followed extensive negotiations held from January 15 to 18, 2024, in Dar es Salaam. Mr. Mhoja highlighted that these discussions constituted the third round as previous attempts in two rounds did not yield consensus.

Mr. Mhoja emphasized the historical economic cooperation between Tanzania and Iran, stating that the completion of negotiations and signing of the agreement would further strengthen economic collaboration, opening new opportunities for employment, trade, and investment.

Upon the completion of the negotiations, the finalization of legal procedures in each country is awaited to enable the ratification and signing of the agreement, paving the way for its implementation.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Iranian Ambassador to Tanzania, Mr. Hossein Alvandi Behine, and Ambassador Abdallah Kilima, the Director of the Middle East Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation.

Both delegations commended the professionalism of the expert teams from both countries in conducting the negotiations, considering the interests of each nation and ultimately reaching an agreement.

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