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Tanzania and Kenya Resolve Air Travel Dispute, Lift Restrictions

In a diplomatic breakthrough, Tanzania and Kenya have successfully resolved the recent air travel restrictions imposed by the Tanzania Civil Aviation Authority (TCAA). The decision, announced on Monday, saw the revocation of approvals for Kenya Airways (KQ) to operate passenger flights between Nairobi and Dar es Salaam under the third and fourth Freedom Traffic Rights, effective from January 22, 2024.

The development was confirmed through social media posts by the respective Foreign Ministers, January Makamba of Tanzania and his Kenyan counterpart, Musalia Mudavadi. According to Makamba, the two nations agreed that restrictions on air travel between them and to third countries should not stand. He stated in a post on X (formerly Twitter), "With the relevant authorities, we've resolved to settle this issue, per existing agreements, within 3 days."

Mudavadi echoed the sentiment, assuring the public that both countries' Civil Aviation Authorities will collaborate to resolve the matter amicably within the next three days. He emphasized, "There should, therefore, be no cause for alarm."

The conflict arose when the TCAA decided to rescind approvals for Kenya Airways to operate passenger flights between the capitals, citing the refusal by Kenyan authorities to approve cargo flights by Air Tanzania Company Limited under the Fifth Freedom Traffic Rights between Nairobi and third countries. The TCAA justified its decision as a reciprocal response to what it deemed a breach of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Air Services signed between the two nations in November 2016.

The MoU, signed in Nairobi, Kenya, outlines reciprocal treatment for airlines of both countries, and the TCAA contended that the refusal by Kenyan authorities violated this agreement. The third and fourth freedoms, crucial in international aviation, were at the center of the dispute. The third freedom allows an airline to fly from its own country to another, while the fourth freedom permits flying from another country to the home country for commercial services.

The TCAA's statement clarified that, as a consequence of their decision, there would be no passenger flights by Kenya Airways between Nairobi and Dar es Salaam from January 22, 2024. The Tanzanian authorities emphasized their commitment to adhering to the principles of the Chicago Convention 1994 and the Bilateral Air Services Agreement between States in managing air travel relations with neighboring nations.

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