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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Tanzania Boosts Livestock Feed Production to Enhance Livestock Sector

Tanzania has significantly increased its domestic production of processed livestock feed, rising from 1,380,000 tonnes in 2021/2022 to 1,580,000 tonnes in 2022/2023. This 200,000-tonne boost was revealed by the Deputy Minister for Industry and Trade, Mr. Exaud Kigahe, during a parliamentary question-and-answer session on Friday.

Responding to legislator Jacqueline Msongozi (Special Seats, CCM), who inquired about the government’s strategy to promote livestock feed production industries, Deputy Minister Kigahe highlighted ongoing efforts to improve the business and investment climate. These efforts are aimed at fostering the establishment of industries that utilize agricultural raw materials like maize, soybeans, and sunflower cake.

Kigahe announced the registration of 22 new livestock feed production industries across eight regions: Arusha (4), Kilimanjaro (3), Dar es Salaam (4), Morogoro (2), Iringa (3), Mbeya (1), Coast (3), and Shinyanga (2). This expansion increased the total number of livestock feed production industries from 199 in 2021/2022 to 221 in 2022/2023.

"The government will continue to promote investment in livestock feed production industries and ensure that the produced feeds meet the required standards according to the needs of the respective livestock," stated Kigahe.

Addressing concerns about the shortage and high costs of livestock feeds, Ms. Msongozi queried the government's readiness to authorize feed imports and reduce levies for local producers. Kigahe acknowledged the existing shortage, noting that 60% of livestock feeds are currently imported. However, he emphasized the government’s commitment to strengthening domestic industries through various incentives.

In a broader effort to advance the livestock sector, the government has introduced the Livestock Sector Transformation Plan (LSTP) 2022/23 – 2026/27. The LSTP outlines key investment areas, including the development of high-quality livestock breeds, improvements in water and pasture access, animal health, extension services, livestock research and training, value addition of livestock products, and the operations of the national ranching company.

Over the next five years, the LSTP aims to enhance the productivity of the livestock sector, contributing to Tanzania’s industrial economy and expanding both domestic and international markets for livestock and livestock products. The plan specifically targets the improvement of livestock breeds, better access to pasture and water, robust animal health systems, quality control of livestock inputs, adherence to safety standards, enhancement of extension services for commercial livestock farming, and the promotion of value addition in livestock products.

The government remains dedicated to creating an enabling environment for business and investment in the livestock sector, ensuring sustained growth and development.

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