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Tanzania Bureau of Standards Launches 2023 Quality Awards to Boost Manufacturing Innovation

The Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) has taken a significant step toward promoting the production of high-quality goods within the country. TBS recently launched the 2023 Quality Awards in a bid to stimulate innovation and excellence in the manufacturing industry.

This fourth edition of the Quality Awards aims to recognize and commend producers who consistently adhere to TBS standards, serving as motivation and inspiration for their peers to uphold similar high standards in their manufacturing processes.

Mr. Lazaro Msasalaga, Acting Director of TBS, announced the launch of the awards during an official ceremony held in Dar es Salaam over the weekend. He emphasized that the primary objective is to foster improvement in productivity and innovation.

"Our goal is to encourage innovation and creativity in the production processes by adhering to TBS guidelines...the best performers will be rewarded as an inspiration to others," stated Mr. Msasalaga.

He further highlighted that this initiative aligns with the government's efforts, spearheaded by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, to enhance the quality of domestically produced goods. Recognizing and rewarding top-performing producers will inspire others to follow suit, ultimately elevating the overall standard of products available in the market. This is especially crucial as local products gain traction in neighboring countries.

"In today's global environment, local products find ready markets in neighboring countries, thanks to guidelines provided by the World Trade Organization (WTO), which facilitate international trade," Mr. Msasalaga added.

Explaining the award categories, Mr. Msasalaga noted that this year's edition features five distinct categories: Best Company of the Year, Best Product of the Year, Best Service of the Year, Best International Trader of the Year, and the Best Person Adhering to Standards.

Mr. Baraka Mbajije, the Country's Quality Awards Coordinator, outlined the application process, indicating that interested participants should access the necessary forms on the TBS website, which will later be available on the Zanzibar Bureau of Standards (ZBC) official website. Alternatively, applicants can submit hard copies or send their requests via TBS's official email address.

The application window for the Quality Awards opened on September 22 and will remain open until October 20 this year. This initiative seeks to not only commend exceptional producers but also to catalyze a culture of quality and innovation across Tanzania's manufacturing sector.

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