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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Tanzania Digital Economy Framework nears completion for Launching

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - The program known as the Tanzanian Digital Economic Framework (DEF), which is poised to provide strategic guidance for the nation in managing electronic messages and documents integral to its daily economic activities is nearing completion and set for its launching.

Dr. Mohammed Abdula, the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information, Communication, and Information Technology, announced yesterday that the proposed document has received the stamp of approval from experts, marking its transition into a fully-fledged official document set for a formal launch early next year.

"We have completed the foundational work, the most critical phase of this national effort on the proposed program. It will be launched early next year as Tanzania’s Digital Economic Framework (DEF)," stated Dr. Abdulla. He expressed confidence that the nation would reap significant benefits from the document, thanks to the dedicated work of the expert panel.

Since November 6 of this year, a team of distinguished individuals, operating as the Digital Transformation Working Group (DTWG) under the Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC), has diligently worked on the document, providing recommendations and suggestions aimed at maximizing Tanzania's gains from the framework's implementation. Dr. Abdulla, who chaired the group, confirmed that the adopted document would be formally submitted to the National Chairman of TNBC, President Samia Hassan, for her review.

Dr. Godwill Wanga, the Executive Secretary of TNBC, commended the working group's efforts, emphasizing that with the DEF in place, Tanzania could operate a competitive digital economy on the global stage. "The digital economy will cut down costs in doing business. Therefore, the national economy will grow, and the incomes of individual Tanzanians will grow too," he remarked.

Mr. Tido Mhando, the Managing Director of Azam Media, expressed his belief that Tanzania's media would extend support to the DEF, recognizing the substantial benefits it offers. He highlighted the government's strategies in strengthening the ICT sector and its collaboration with the private sector to foster a digital national economy.

Ms. Jacqline Woiso, the Chief Executive Officer of Multichoice Tanzania, pledged unwavering support to young people in developing the national digital economy through the DEF. "Using the DEF, we shall support talented young people who are all out to develop digital initiatives. We also promise to work closely with the education ministry towards that end," she assured.

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