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Tanzania National Business Council Proposes Recommendations to Boost Agricultural Growth

The Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC), through its Working Group of Agriculture, has unveiled a set of recommendations aimed at addressing challenges hindering the growth of the agricultural sector. The council believes that these recommendations will pave the way for increased funding and enhanced production in the vital industry.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Gerald Mweli, who also serves as the Group Chairman, announced these recommendations following a recent meeting in Dar es Salaam. He expressed optimism that the proposed measures would foster a healthier and more conducive environment for the sector's growth and development.Mr. Mweli acknowledged the efforts of the sixth-phase government, led by President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, in creating a favorable atmosphere for agriculture. Initiatives such as the provision of loans and subsidies have played a crucial role in this regard.

He emphasized that the government had actively sought input from stakeholders and experts to chart a path forward for the sector. The goal is not only to boost the sector's contribution to the national economy but also to generate multiplier effects for its participants.

In his address, Mr. Mweli urged continued and sustainable cooperation between the private and public sectors. He stressed that this collaborative approach would help identify and address challenges, ultimately benefiting the sector's growth. The recommendations put forth by the Working Group will be deliberated upon at the highest level of TNBC. The overarching objective is to build an inclusive, stable, and sustainable agricultural sector that significantly contributes to the country's economy.

Mr. Mweli reiterated the commitment of President Samia Suluhu Hassan's administration to ensuring that agriculture makes a substantial contribution to government revenue while improving the economic well-being of Tanzanians heavily reliant on agriculture. Dr. Goodwill Wanga, the Executive Secretary of TNBC, highlighted the significance of the council's Working Group recommendations in improving the business environment within the agriculture sector. He commended the government's close collaboration with the private sector and TNBC's eight working groups for their role in assessing policies, laws, and regulations to foster an enabling environment.

One key recommendation from the Working Group is the completion of the 'Master Plan' for Agriculture, which will incorporate policy, laws, and regulations to enhance the sector's contribution to the national economy. Another proposal is to increase the value of agricultural crops before export to bolster foreign currency earnings. Ms. Mercy Sila, a member of the Working Group from the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF), expressed her satisfaction with the improved collaboration between the private and public sectors in the agricultural domain. She lauded the achievements made in the sector and commended the government's commitment, noting a substantial increase in the budget allocation to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ms. Sila revealed that the allocation had surged from TZS 294 billion for the year 2020/21 to TZS 970 billion in 2023/24, representing a 230 percent increase. This significant budget allocation increase underscores the government's dedication to revitalizing the sector, which is widely regarded as the backbone of the economy. The TNBC's recommendations are poised to usher in a new era of growth and prosperity for Tanzania's agricultural sector, aligning with President Samia Suluhu Hassan's vision for a thriving and economically resilient nation.

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