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Tanzania Officially Launches Personal Data Protection Commission

The government took a significant stride towards addressing concerns over data privacy with the official launch of the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) on Wednesday.


President Samia Suluhu Hassan inaugurated the commission, underscoring its importance in safeguarding citizens' personal information and allaying fears of unauthorized access and misuse. She stressed the need for stringent control over the collection, storage, and use of personal data, citing instances of data breaches and privacy violations.


President Samia highlighted instances of malicious acts perpetrated by individuals and unscrupulous groups breaching institutional systems collecting personal information. She attributed such acts to weak control over personal data in various institutions and directed the PDPC to ensure registration and compliance with personal data protection laws by all public and private institutions by the end of the year.


The president's directives aimed to strengthen data protection laws and promote compliance among institutions across sectors. Experts noted that the registration requirement enhances accountability and transparency in data management practices.


The President also called for the harmonization of government ICT systems by the end of the year to streamline digital infrastructure and foster an inclusive digital economy. Minister of Information, Communications, and Information Technology, Mr. Nape Nnauye, emphasized that interoperability among government systems aims to optimize efficiency and facilitate seamless data exchange, creating an enabling environment for businesses and investors.


Digital investor Mr. Mvomero Mkude highlighted the importance of data protection in building trust among users of digital services, emphasizing its role in attracting both domestic and foreign investment. He believed that with robust digital infrastructure and a data protection commission, Tanzania could attract more digital investments.


The establishment of the PDPC not only protects citizens' rights but also boosts investor confidence, laying a foundation for sustainable economic development. Mr. Nnauye echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the PDPC's role in upholding principles of democracy, good governance, and the rule of law.

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