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Tanzania Ranks 6th in Sub-Saharan Africa's Biggest Economies: A Golden Opportunity for Investors

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has recently ranked Tanzania as the 6th largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2023, with Nigeria taking the lead as the continent's largest economy. This remarkable development highlights the country's steady economic growth and favorable investment climate. Tanzania's ascent is not only beneficial for its citizens but also an opportunity for international investors looking to diversify their portfolios and gain exposure to one of Africa's most dynamic markets.

Economic Growth and Stability

Over the past decade, Tanzania has experienced robust economic growth, averaging a GDP growth rate of around 6% per annum. The GDP data according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in the second quarter of Gross Domestic Product (April - June) 2022, in absolute terms at current prices increased to TZS. 45.2 trillion from TZS 39.9 trillion in the corresponding quarter of 2021. Moreover, the second quarter real Gross Domestic Product increased to TZS. 34.9 trillion in 2022 from TZS. 33.3 trillion in 2021, equivalent to a growth of 4.8 percent. The country's stable political environment, coupled with sound macroeconomic policies, has played a key role in promoting growth and reducing inflation. The government's proactive approach to infrastructure development, such as the Standard Gauge Railway and the Julius Nyerere Hydropower Station, has attracted investment and enhanced the overall business environment.

Investment Climate and Opportunities

Tanzania's rise to the 6th largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa has been driven by key sectors such as agriculture, mining, tourism, and telecommunications. The country offers a multitude of opportunities for investors, with a rapidly growing consumer base and an increasing demand for various goods and services. The Tanzanian government has enacted several policies to attract foreign investment, including the establishment of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Export Processing Zones (EPZs) that offer tax incentives and streamlined regulatory processes.


Agriculture remains the backbone of Tanzania's economy, employing around 65% of the population and contributing significantly to the country's GDP. According to statistics, Agriculture contributes significantly to Tanzania's GDP, accounting for approximately 25-30% of the country's total GDP. This direct contribution is achieved through the production and sale of agricultural goods, both domestically and in international markets. The export of cash crops such as coffee, cashew nuts, and tobacco generates foreign exchange earnings, which further contribute to the nation's GDP.

And with a growing demand for food security, Tanzania offers opportunities in agribusiness, including crop production, livestock farming, and food processing. Investors can capitalize on this sector by introducing modern agricultural technologies and practices to enhance productivity and add value to local products.


Tanzania is endowed with a wealth of natural resources, including gold, diamonds, and precious gemstones. The mining sector contributes approximately 5-6% of Tanzania's total GDP, according to statistics primarily through the production and export of minerals. The export of mineral resources generates substantial foreign exchange earnings, which further contribute to the nation's GDP. Additionally, taxes, royalties, and fees collected from mining activities represent a considerable source of revenue for the Tanzanian government, enabling increased investment in public services and infrastructure.


The tourism sector contributes approximately 10-12% of Tanzania's total GDP through direct spending by tourists on various goods and services. This spending encompasses accommodation, transportation, food and beverages, tours, and other related activities. Additionally, the sector generates significant foreign exchange earnings through international tourist arrivals, which further contributes to the nation's GDP.

Boasting a rich cultural heritage, diverse wildlife, and pristine beaches, Tanzania is a premier tourist destination in Africa. The tourism sector has experienced significant growth in recent years, contributing to foreign exchange earnings and job creation. As the country continues to develop its tourism infrastructure, investors can find opportunities in the hospitality and leisure industries, including hotels, resorts, and tour operations.


The telecommunications industry contributes approximately 2-3% of Tanzania's total GDP through the provision of various services, including voice, data, and mobile money transactions. This direct contribution is achieved through revenues generated by mobile network operators, internet service providers, etc.

The telecommunications industry in Tanzania has witnessed tremendous growth, with mobile penetration exceeding 80%. The demand for mobile and internet services is on the rise, offering investors a chance to participate in the expansion of the country's telecommunications infrastructure and the development of digital services, such as e-commerce and fintech.

Tanzania's position as the 6th largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa is a reflection of its economic resilience and growth potential. The country presents a compelling investment opportunity for those looking to tap into the diverse and fast-growing African market. By investing in key sectors such as agriculture, mining, tourism, and telecommunications, investors can contribute to Tanzania's continued growth while enjoying attractive returns on their investments.

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