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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Tanzania Receives Global Recognition for Digitalization Efforts

Tanzania's government has earned global acclaim for its digitalization initiatives in public services, receiving an award at the United Nations (UN) Public Service Forum 2024. The accolade was awarded for the e-Mrejesho platform, developed under the e-Government Authority (e-GA).

Tanzania was one of only two African countries recognized at the forum, alongside South Africa. The three-day annual forum, which concluded yesterday, was held in Songdo-Incheon, west of Seoul, Republic of Korea, and attended by representatives from 72 UN Member States.

A total of 15 local governments and public institutions worldwide were honored with the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA). The awards were presented by Li Junhua, UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs, and Lee Sangmin, Republic of Korea’s Interior Minister. Tanzania’s Deputy Permanent Secretary in the President’s Office (Public Service Management and Good Governance), Xavier Daudi, received the award on behalf of Tanzania.

"I congratulate all the awardees of the UN Public Service Awards. Your initiatives showcase the breadth of innovations that governments are undertaking for inclusive development and fostering a culture of innovation in the public sector," said Mr. Li Junhua in his closing remarks. He emphasized the importance of leveraging technology to streamline public service processes and delivery.

Throughout the session, inspiring examples of impactful public sector initiatives in digital technology advancement were highlighted. Tanzania's award-winning e-Mrejesho platform centralizes the process of receiving citizen complaints, inquiries, and feedback. This online platform promotes data-driven decision-making by collecting and analyzing citizen input, enabling government agencies to make informed decisions based on public needs and concerns.

The platform's user-centric approach enhances citizen engagement with government agencies, saving time and money by allowing citizens to submit and track complaints digitally via mobile phones, rather than physically visiting public offices.

"In the past, citizens had to physically submit complaints in suggestion boxes or send letters to institutions. Now, this can be done digitally," explained Eng. Benedict Ndomba, Director General of e-GA.

Launched in 2003, the annual UNPSA awards promote effectiveness, transparency, and inclusivity in public services to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. They highlight the creative achievements and contributions of public institutions addressing the social, economic, and environmental needs of society.

The UNPSA were presented in three categories: innovation in public institutions, gender-responsive public services, and tackling climate change. Among the winners in the innovation in public institutions category were Sao Paulo City Hall, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Latvia’s State Chancellery, the Western Cape Government of South Africa, and Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University.


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