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Tanzania's Tourism Surges to $3.3 Billion in 2023

In a groundbreaking development, Tanzania's tourism sector has contributed an impressive $3.3 billion (approximately 8.25 trillion Tanzanian shillings) to the country's economy by the end of December last year. This remarkable success is attributed to the widespread acclaim garnered by the Royal Tour film, featuring none other than President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

The revelation came during a parliamentary session where the Committee on Land, Natural Resources, and Tourism presented a comprehensive report on their 2023 activities.

Committee Chairman Timotheo Mnzava highlighted that these earnings constitute a significant 25% of the country's total foreign exchange, emphasizing the sector's crucial role in Tanzania's economic landscape.

Mnzava further disclosed that the tourism sector has become the leading contributor to foreign exchange earnings, accounting for over 20% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This unprecedented success, he noted, marked a historic achievement since the nation gained independence.

Experts attribute these accomplishments to President Samia Suluhu Hassan's proactive efforts to promote the sector, particularly through her involvement in the Royal Tour documentary. According to Mnzava, the impact of the film has been profound, reflecting in the staggering statistics reported by the Bank of Tanzania Quarterly Economic Review for the last quarter of 2023.

As of December last year, the report indicates that Tanzania welcomed a record-breaking 1,790,301 tourists, marking the highest number ever recorded in the sector. In terms of employment, the tourism sector has created 1,600,000 direct jobs, constituting 11% of all employments in the country.

To ensure the sustainability of these achievements, Mnzava emphasized the need for increased investment in the conservation sector and enhanced marketing of tourist attractions. He acknowledged that while 58% of backpackers visited national parks, the current state of infrastructure in these areas requires urgent attention.

As a response to these remarkable results, the National Assembly has called on the government to implement tourism marketing strategies under the Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB). The objective is to fulfill the Chama Cha Mapinduzi target outlined in its Election Manifesto 2020-2025, aiming to increase the annual number of visitors to five million by 2025 and collect $6 billion in revenues from the tourism sector.

Furthermore, the MPs proposed the establishment of a Tourism Development Fund (TDF), which would receive a 1% contribution from all tourism foreign exchange earnings in the country. Mnzava expressed concern over budget constraints faced by TTB, urging the nation to make deliberate efforts to promote tourism for sustained success. Plans are already underway for the coordination and production of four international documentaries, including continuations of the Royal Tour film and two Hollywood productions, to further boost Tanzania's global tourism appeal.

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