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Tanzanian Horticultural Growers Secure Lucrative Deals at European Trade Show

Tanzanian horticultural growers and exporters are celebrating a successful venture into the European fresh produce market following their participation in the prestigious Fruit Logistica trade show held in Berlin, Germany. Organized by the Tanzanian Horticultural Association (TAHA), the delegation showcased the country's potential in exporting perishable goods, attracting significant attention from potential buyers and investors.

TAHA's pavilion at the event stood out among exhibitors, drawing crowds of potential customers eager to engage with the Tanzanian delegation. Among the interested parties was the Daily Green Company, expressing keen interest in purchasing a variety of Tanzanian produce including okra, bitter gourd, and African bird’s eye chili. Officials from Daily Green have already initiated discussions in Arusha to finalize export deals under the auspices of TAHA.

"The demand for fresh Tanzanian produce, particularly okra, bitter gourd, and African bird’s eye chili, is high among our customers," remarked officials from Daily Green. "We anticipate commencing large-scale exports once all logistical arrangements are in place."

Mr. Anthony Chamanga, TAHA's Chief Development Manager, expressed gratitude on behalf of the association for the fruitful engagements with potential buyers. Highlighting the significance of the contracts, Mr. Chamanga assured Daily Green of TAHA's unwavering support throughout the transaction process.

The contracts, valued at billions of Tanzanian Shillings, include significant quotas of okra, bitter gourd, and African bird’s eye chili, with a commitment to prioritize women and youth in the allocation of resources. This initiative aligns with TAHA's broader strategy to support the involvement of women and youth in agribusiness, in line with the national Building Better Tomorrow (BBT) initiative aimed at addressing challenges hindering their participation.

Mr. Chamanga extended appreciation to development partners, including the Tanzanian government, Swedish Embassy, World Food Programme (WFP), and Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank (TADB), for their support in facilitating TAHA's participation in the Fruit Logistica trade fair.

Analysts anticipate that these contracts will significantly boost Tanzania's horticultural industry, which saw growth despite challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Dr. Jacqueline Mkindi, CEO of TAHA, the horticulture sector generated USD 418 million in 2023, up from USD 290 million in 2022, contributing to job creation and economic empowerment.

"The government's strategy to propel the horticulture industry to a USD 2 billion economy by 2030 will create substantial employment opportunities for youth and women," Dr. Mkindi added, emphasizing the sector's potential for transformative growth.

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