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  • Writer's pictureGizbert Ngalema

Tanzanian Minister Urges Emphasis on Agribusiness for Sustainable Growth

The importance of agribusiness in Tanzania has been underscored by Minister for Livestock and Fisheries, Abdallah Ulega, who highlighted its role in supporting agriculture and providing increased opportunities, particularly in light of the global rise in urban and peri-urban populations, as well as the steady growth of Tanzania's population, which now stands at over 61 million according to the recent national census.

Speaking during the 15th Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania (AGREST) conference held in Dar es Salaam, Minister Ulega stressed the significance of engaging in agribusiness. He noted that agribusiness has witnessed substantial growth driven by rising demand from urban consumers for diverse, higher-quality, and often high-value agricultural products and services.

The Tanzanian government has implemented initiatives and policies aimed at enhancing the resilience of agribusiness. Minister Ulega explained that agribusiness encompasses a wide range of activities, including production, processing, packaging, distribution, and consumption of agricultural products. It also includes related services such as the supply of inputs like fertilizers, seeds, breeds, and equipment, as well as providing advisory and extension services to agriculture.

Regarding government initiatives, Mr. Ulega highlighted that policies and regulations have been streamlined to bolster agribusiness resilience. These include lifting bans on food crop exports, removing restrictions on where farmers can sell their crops and livestock products, and permitting the importation of specialized inputs for production and processing.

In addition to these measures, the government is investing in critical infrastructure, such as roads, irrigation systems, animal healthcare facilities, slaughterhouses, and cold storage facilities, to strengthen agribusiness value chains covering crops, livestock, and fisheries products.

Collaboration with the private sector is another aspect of the government's efforts, with a focus on expanding international market access for agricultural produce, livestock, and fisheries products. Increased investment in agriculture, livestock, and fisheries research and development, as well as the adoption of digital technology to improve these sectors, are part of the government's strategies.

To address the challenges posed by climate change, Tanzania has adopted climate-smart agricultural practices, including the cultivation of drought-resistant crops, sustainable land management, and the promotion of climate-resilient livestock breeds.

The government's ambitious Agenda 10/30 initiative aims to achieve a 10 percent annual growth rate in the agriculture sector by 2030. Additionally, the 2022/23-2026/27 Livestock Transformation Plan outlines key investment areas for the livestock sector.

Tanzanians are encouraged to recognize the developments occurring in logistics, storage, transport, wholesale, retail, and food services within the agribusiness value chain. These developments present new opportunities for farmers to increase their income, enhance food security and nutrition, and improve access to productivity-enhancing inputs and services.

Dr. Florens Turuka, Chairman of AGREST, emphasized the critical role of agribusiness value chains in agriculture. He noted that agriculture accounts for a significant portion of African and global economies, with Tanzania's agriculture contributing 26 percent to the GDP and employing 65 percent of the labor force. However, Dr. Turuka also acknowledged that agribusiness value chains face challenges related to climate change, geopolitical tensions, and conflicts.

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