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Vice President Dr. Philip Mpango Issues Directives to Boost Tanzania's Bee Sector

In a move to bolster Tanzania's bee industry and increase foreign currency inflow, Vice-President Dr. Philip Mpango issued ten key directives during the national celebration of World Bee Day in Dodoma.

World Bee Day, celebrated globally on May 20, highlights the crucial role bees and other pollinators play in sustaining ecosystems. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving these vital creatures to meet humanity's needs.

During his address, Dr. Mpango instructed all Tanzanian embassies abroad to secure reliable markets for the country's bee products. He also called on the Ministry of Finance to reduce nuisance taxes on honey processing products, including packaging materials, to enhance the sector's growth.

Despite Tanzania's rich honey resources, production levels remain low. To address this, Dr. Mpango directed the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, in collaboration with the Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current honey production landscape.

Further directives included identifying and legally protecting special areas in Dodoma and Singida regions, as outlined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in partnership with the Ministry of State in the President’s Office, Regional Administration, and Local Government. Dr. Mpango also urged these ministries, alongside private sector stakeholders, to develop a plan incorporating tree planting to support bee populations.

As Tanzania marked World Bee Day, the vice president emphasized the threats bees and other pollinators—such as butterflies, bats, and hummingbirds—face due to human activities. Pollination is essential for ecosystem survival, with nearly 90% of wild flowering plants and over 75% of the world's food crops relying on animal pollination. Additionally, 35% of global agricultural land benefits from pollinators.

Pollinators not only enhance food security but are also crucial for biodiversity conservation. Recognizing their significance, the United Nations designated May 20 as World Bee Day to raise awareness about pollinators' vital role, the challenges they face, and their contributions to sustainable development. The goal is to implement stronger measures to protect these species, thereby addressing global food supply issues and combating hunger, particularly in developing nations.

Dr. Mpango's directives aim to rejuvenate Tanzania's bee sector, ensuring it plays a significant role in the country's economic growth and environmental sustainability.

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