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Vice President Urges Accelerated Research for Forest Conservation Technology

In a move signaling a new chapter for Tanzania's forestry sector, Vice-President Dr. Philip Mpango has directed key forest research institutions to expedite their efforts in developing technology-driven solutions to preserve the nation's forests and enhance conservation efforts.

Dr. Mpango issued these directives during the commemoration of World Forest Day and National Tree Planting Day held in the Same District, Kilimanjaro Region. The institutions tasked with this mission include Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI), and Forestry Training Institute, Olmotonyi, Arusha.

Speaking at the event, Dr. Mpango emphasized the importance of research focusing on clean and affordable cooking energy, alternative energy sources for tobacco drying, and the development of alternative tree-based products. He stressed that such initiatives, alongside increased tree planting and protection of existing forests, are crucial for ensuring rainfall patterns, sustaining human and environmental well-being, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Moreover, the Vice-President directed relevant government bodies, including the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania Forestry Service Agency (TFS), National Carbon Monitoring Centre, and the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Governments), to collaborate with stakeholders in adopting modern technologies for effective monitoring of conservation programs and timely access to forest-related information.

Referring to the 2020/2025 CCM election manifesto, Dr. Mpango highlighted the government's commitment to various tree-planting initiatives aimed at environmental protection and economic empowerment. These include campaigns to plant 1.5 million trees annually, sustain the Green Tanzania campaign, expand tree plantations, and reduce deforestation.

Additionally, Dr. Mpango directed TFS to intensify education on tree nursery management at the local level and enforce regulations on chainsaw usage to curb illegal logging. He urged city councils to designate recreational areas within urban centers to promote citizen well-being and enhance city aesthetics.

Acknowledging President Samia's vision for clean energy and sustainable environmental practices, Dr. Mpango commended her leadership in spearheading tree-planting campaigns across the country and Zanzibar.

Furthermore, the vice president instructed councils to learn from successful carbon trading initiatives in councils such as Tanganyika, Karatu, and Mbulu. He tasked relevant government bodies to expedite the review and completion of regulations governing carbon trading in the country.

The event also saw the launch of a national guideline for tree planting and protection, with President Samia receiving a special award for her contributions to conservation efforts. Dr. Mpango himself was recognized for his exemplary strategies in environmental protection.

In her remarks, Natural Resources and Tourism Minister Angellah Kairuki underscored the significance of forests, which cover 93 percent of Tanzania's land area. She urged Tanzanians to plant trees around their homes to safeguard natural forests, emphasizing that forests are vital for sustaining life.

The forestry sector, Minister Kairuki noted, contributes 3.5 percent to Tanzania's GDP and supports 10 percent of the country's workforce. This year's World Forest Day theme, 'Forests and Innovation: New Solutions for a Better World', underscores the need for innovative approaches to address global challenges.

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